What are the benefits of being Monash certified?

The Monash University low FODMAP certification program provides an opportunity to certify products or recipes as “Low FODMAP” and carry the Monash stamp of approval. It means your products have been properly tested or recipes thoroughly assessed by the founders and experts of the low FODMAP diet and meets the low FODMAP criteria established by our researchers.

Benefits of being Monash certified include:

  • For products, carrying the Monash certified endorsement on packaging
  • For recipes, carrying the Monash certified endorsement in cookbooks, menus or anywhere recipes are promoted or published
  • Using the Monash certified endorsement online and in promotions (digital or print)
  • Be listed in the top ranking FODMAP and medical app, the Monash University FODMAP Diet app, which has been download in over 130 countries and translated into several languages (French, German and Spanish)
  • Be listed and linked on our website, the essential FODMAP resource for consumers, healthcare professionals and industry
  • Receive regular promotions on our highly popular social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram)

Make shopping and cooking easy and convenient for your customers by certifying your products and recipes with the Monash FODMAP team.

What is the difference between the product and recipe certification programs?

The product certification program certifies retail products that are available for purchase by the general consumer. It also certifies raw ingredients from ingredient suppliers and manufacturers. Please refer to our Certify a Product page for more information.

The recipe certification program is aimed at restaurants, cafes and meal delivery services that create fresh and frozen meals, and for chefs, authors, bloggers or anyone with written recipes. Please refer to our Certify a Recipe page for more information.

Is there a minimum number or products or recipes that need to apply for Monash certification?

There is no minimum number of products required to apply for our product certification program. Please refer to our Certify a Product page for more information.

A minimum of 10 recipes is required to apply for recipe certification. Please refer to our Certify a Recipe page for more information.

Are there any ingredients which will automatically exclude my product or recipe from joining the program?

Products or recipes containing the following ingredients will be ineligible to apply for our certification programs:

  • garlic, onion, or their derivatives; or
  • added FODMAPs, including fructo-oligosaccharides, inulin and polyols (other than sorbitol and mannitol), maltitol, xylitol, erythritol, lactitol and isomalt.

My product or recipe contains high FODMAP ingredients. Can they still join the program?

Products or recipes containing high FODMAP ingredients can apply to join the program. We are unable to guarantee if a product will meet the low FODMAP criteria unless samples are laboratory tested.

For recipes, the assessment will consider the quantity of the high FODMAP ingredient used and the other recipe ingredients (and their amounts), in addition to other foods or beverages which may be consumed in the same sitting, to determine if it will meet the low FODMAP criteria.

Please note there are certain ingredients that will automatically exclude products or recipes from applying for certification. Refer to the above question.

Where can I use the Monash certified trademarks?

The Monash certified trademarks are can be applied in many different ways.

Here are some examples of where you may apply the Monash certified trademarks for approved products:

  • on packaging
  • the product webpage
  • when promoting approved products on social media 
  • magazine and newspaper ads
  • in store advertising and printed materials (e.g., flyers, brochures, banners)
  • specification sheets
  • commercials (visual and audio)

For recipes, the Monash certified trademarks can be used:

  • on your website and social media
  • recipe cookbooks (printed or e-book format)
  • on menus
  • signs in cafes or restaurants to indicate a Monash certified meal
  • on recipe cards provided with delivered meal boxes

Are there any rules for using the Monash certified trademarks?

Yes, there are specific style rules that need to be adhered to when applying the Monash certified artwork to packaging and all other materials. The rules are covered by our style guide which will be provided once your product or recipes are confirmed to meet the low FODMAP criteria.

Can you provide examples of which brands and products are Monash certified?

Please visit the Certified Brands section of our website for a complete list of brands with Monash certified products.

The Monash University FODMAP Diet App provides a complete list of Monash certified products and brands.

Why haven’t you certified a specific product or brand as being low in FODMAPs?

Our certification program is voluntary and relies on brands approaching the Monash FODMAP team to certify their own products. A third party cannot apply to certify a product on behalf of a brand.

Is the Monash University low FODMAP certification program affiliated with any other programs?

No, we are an independent certification program with no affiliation with any other programs or entities.