Dukkah is a delicious, versatile, Middle Eastern sprinkle and there are many variations available! However, commercial dukkahs are often expensive and it can be tricky to source low FODMAP varieties. Here is an easy recipe that you can make and freeze so it is quick and easy to use whenever you like. Ingredients: makes 100g
(Serving size - 1 tsp)
Dukkah is a very versatile sprinkle for many savoury dishes. Some suggestions are:
Sprinkle on a poached or scrambled egg(s)
Sprinkle on peanut butter or toasted bread with tomato slices (check our app for low FODMAP certifiedbrands)
Sprinkle and stir through cooked rice
Sprinkle over soups, stews or casseroles
For roasting nuts, seeds and spices, there are a number of different methods:
~ 160oC pre-heated oven spread in a flat even layer on a lined baking tray.
Set a microwave oven to a medium high setting (this will depend on your microwave). Place in a shallow bowl and microwave in 1 to 1.5 minute intervals until they are golden brown or aromatic. It is important to stir the nuts etc. after each time increment.
In a dry wok or frypan over a low-medium heat. The ingredients must be constantly stirred and immediately removed from the heat when ready.