Our Monash University Low FODMAP Certified™ Icon & Trademark
Use of our Monash University Low FODMAP Certified™ icon and trademark phrase enables your certified product, recipe or meal to stand out to consumers as a suitable low FODMAP option for those with IBS.
Please download our 'Style Guide' for more information about how our icon, trademark phrase and accompanying advisory statements can be used.

Our Advisory Statements
Our advisory statements are used in addition to our certified icon and trademark phrase on product packaging, online and in promotional materials. These statements clarify to consumers that one serving of the product/recipe/meal has been assessed by Monash University to be low in FODMAPs.
Examples of statements that may be used on product packaging are as follows:
Version 1: Monash University Low FODMAP certified™ [food/beverage]. One serving of this product is low in FODMAPs.
Version 2*: One serving of this product is low in FODMAPs.
*Version Two can be used where the certification icon is displayed with the trademark on the reverse packaging.
Version 3: Monash University Low FODMAP certified™ [food/beverage]. One serve of this product is low in FODMAPs and can assist with following the Monash University Low FODMAP diet™ . A strict low FODMAP diet should only be commenced under the supervision of a healthcare professional.
PLEASE NOTE: Specific statements are required to be used on products sold in the USA, Canada and for Therapeutic Goods. Brands should refer to our 'Style Guide' for further guidance.